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// Package database ...
// Description : mysql ...
// Author :<白茶清欢>
// Date : 2022-05-15 11:43
package database
import (
// WithModel ...
// Author :<白茶清欢>
// Date : 15:18 2024/1/15
func WithModel(model any) define.SetOption {
return func(o *define.Option) {
o.Model = model
// WithTable 设置查询的表名
// Author :<白茶清欢>
// Date : 20:56 2023/3/22
func WithTable(tableName string) define.SetOption {
return func(o *define.Option) {
o.Table = tableName
// WithWhere 设置where条件
// Author :<白茶清欢>
// Date : 12:17 2022/5/15
func WithWhere[T op_type.BaseType](where map[string]T) define.SetOption {
return func(o *define.Option) {
if nil == o.Where {
o.Where = make(map[string]any)
for field, value := range where {
o.Where[field] = value
// WithLimit 设置limit条件
// Author :<白茶清欢>
// Date : 12:00 2022/5/15
func WithLimit[T op_type.Int](limit T, offset T) define.SetOption {
return func(o *define.Option) {
o.Limit = int(limit)
o.Offset = int(offset)
// WithLimitByPageAndSize 通过page和size构建条件
// Author :<白茶清欢>
// Date : 21:42 2023/10/14
func WithLimitByPageAndSize[T op_type.Int](page T, size T) define.SetOption {
return func(o *define.Option) {
if size > 0 {
o.Limit = int(size)
if page <= 0 {
page = 1
o.Offset = int((page - 1) * size)
// WithIn 设置in条件
// Author :<白茶清欢>
// Date : 12:23 2022/5/15
func WithIn[T op_type.Array](field string, value T) define.SetOption {
return func(o *define.Option) {
if nil == value {
if len(value) == 0 {
if nil == o.In {
o.In = make(map[string]any)
o.In[field] = value
// WithBatchIn ...
// Author :<白茶清欢>
// Date : 12:24 2022/5/15
func WithBatchIn[T op_type.Array](batchIn map[string]T) define.SetOption {
return func(o *define.Option) {
if nil == o.In {
o.In = make(map[string]any)
for field, value := range batchIn {
WithIn(field, value)
// WithNotIn 设置 notin 条件
// Author :<白茶清欢>
// Date : 16:18 2022/5/15
func WithNotIn[T op_type.Array](field string, value T) define.SetOption {
return func(o *define.Option) {
if nil == o.NotIn {
o.NotIn = make(map[string]any)
if value == nil || len(value) == 0 {
o.NotIn[field] = value
// WithBatchNotIn 批量设置 NOT IN
// Author :<白茶清欢>
// Date : 16:23 2022/5/15
func WithBatchNotIn[T op_type.Array](data map[string]T) define.SetOption {
return func(o *define.Option) {
if nil == o.NotIn {
o.NotIn = make(map[string]any)
for field, value := range data {
if value == nil || len(value) == 0 {
o.NotIn[field] = value
// WithStart >= 条件
// Author :<白茶清欢>
// Date : 17:01 2022/5/15
func WithStart(field string, value any) define.SetOption {
return func(o *define.Option) {
if nil == o.Start {
o.Start = make(map[string]any)
o.Start[field] = value
// WithBatchStart 批量设置起始条件
// Author :<白茶清欢>
// Date : 17:03 2022/5/15
func WithBatchStart(data map[string]any) define.SetOption {
return func(o *define.Option) {
if nil == o.Start {
o.Start = make(map[string]any)
for field, value := range data {
o.Start[field] = value
// WithEnd 设置 < 条件
// Author :<白茶清欢>
// Date : 17:07 2022/5/15
func WithEnd(field string, value any) define.SetOption {
return func(o *define.Option) {
if nil == o.End {
o.End = make(map[string]any)
o.End[field] = value
// WithBatchEnd 批量设置 < 条件
// Author :<白茶清欢>
// Date : 17:10 2022/5/15
func WithBatchEnd(data map[string]any) define.SetOption {
return func(o *define.Option) {
if nil == o.End {
o.End = make(map[string]any)
for field, value := range data {
o.End[field] = value
// WithLike 设置 like 查询条件
// Author :<白茶清欢>
// Date : 17:16 2022/5/15
func WithLike(field string, value string) define.SetOption {
return func(o *define.Option) {
if nil == o.Like {
o.Like = make(map[string]string)
if len(value) == 0 {
o.Like[field] = value
// WithBatchLike 批量设置like条件
// Author :<白茶清欢>
// Date : 17:19 2022/5/15
func WithBatchLike(data map[string]string) define.SetOption {
return func(o *define.Option) {
if nil == o.Like {
o.Like = make(map[string]string)
for field, value := range data {
if len(value) == 0 {
o.Like[field] = value
// WithNotLike NOT LIKE 语句
// Author :<白茶清欢>
// Date : 17:50 2022/5/15
func WithNotLike(field string, value string) define.SetOption {
return func(o *define.Option) {
if nil == o.NotLike {
o.NotLike = make(map[string]string)
if len(value) == 0 {
o.NotLike[field] = value
// WithBatchNotLike ...
// Author :<白茶清欢>
// Date : 17:52 2022/5/15
func WithBatchNotLike(data map[string]string) define.SetOption {
return func(o *define.Option) {
if nil == o.NotLike {
o.NotLike = make(map[string]string)
for field, value := range data {
if len(value) == 0 {
o.NotLike[field] = value
// WithNotEqual 设置不等于语句
// Author :<白茶清欢>
// Date : 17:31 2022/5/15
func WithNotEqual[T op_type.BaseType](field string, value T) define.SetOption {
return func(o *define.Option) {
if nil == o.NotEqual {
o.NotEqual = make(map[string]any)
o.NotEqual[field] = value
// WithBatchNotEqual 批量设置不等于条件
// Author :<白茶清欢>
// Date : 17:33 2022/5/15
func WithBatchNotEqual[T op_type.BaseType](data map[string]T) define.SetOption {
return func(o *define.Option) {
if nil == o.NotEqual {
o.NotEqual = make(map[string]any)
for field, value := range data {
o.NotEqual[field] = value
// WithOR 设置OR语句
// Author :<白茶清欢>
// Date : 20:03 2022/7/23
func WithOR(orConditionList ...define.SetOption) define.SetOption {
return func(o *define.Option) {
if nil == o.OR {
o.OR = make([][]define.SetOption, 0)
o.OR = append(o.OR, orConditionList)
// WithOrder 设置排序规则
// Author :<白茶清欢>
// Date : 20:15 2022/10/20
func WithOrder(orderRuleList ...string) define.SetOption {
return func(o *define.Option) {
o.Order = orderRuleList
// WithOrderDesc 降序排序
// Author :<白茶清欢>
// Date : 15:09 2023/4/3
func WithOrderDesc(field string) define.SetOption {
return func(o *define.Option) {
if nil == o.Order {
o.Order = make([]string, 0)
o.Order = append(o.Order, field+" desc")
// WithOrderAsc 升序排序
// Author :<白茶清欢>
// Date : 15:09 2023/4/3
func WithOrderAsc(field string) define.SetOption {
return func(o *define.Option) {
if nil == o.Order {
o.Order = make([]string, 0)
o.Order = append(o.Order, field+" asc")
// newOption 生成新的option
// Author :<白茶清欢>
// Date : 17:46 2024/8/9
func newOption(setOptionList ...define.SetOption) *define.Option {
o := &define.Option{}
for _, item := range setOptionList {
return o
// optionToSql 基于 option 配置生成sql
// Author :<白茶清欢>
// Date : 17:46 2024/8/9
func optionToSql(o *define.Option) (sqlBuildResult string, bindValue []any) {
bindValue = make([]any, 0)
sqlBuildResultBlockList := make([]string, 0)
// 设置where条件
for fieldName, fieldValue := range o.Where {
if nil == fieldValue {
if reflect.TypeOf(fieldValue).Kind() == reflect.Slice {
// 传入数组, in语句
placeholder, dataList := parseInSql(fieldValue)
sqlBuildResultBlockList = append(sqlBuildResultBlockList, "`"+fieldName+"` IN ("+placeholder+")")
bindValue = append(bindValue, dataList...)
} else {
sqlBuildResultBlockList = append(sqlBuildResultBlockList, "`"+fieldName+"` = ?")
bindValue = append(bindValue, fieldValue)
// 设置不等于
for fieldName, fieldValue := range o.NotEqual {
sqlBuildResultBlockList = append(sqlBuildResultBlockList, "`"+fieldName+"` != ?")
bindValue = append(bindValue, fieldValue)
// in 语句
// 传入数组, in语句
for fieldName, fieldValue := range o.In {
placeholder, dataList := parseInSql(fieldValue)
sqlBuildResultBlockList = append(sqlBuildResultBlockList, "`"+fieldName+"` IN ("+placeholder+")")
bindValue = append(bindValue, dataList...)
// not in 语句
for fieldName, fieldValue := range o.NotIn {
placeholder, dataList := parseInSql(fieldValue)
sqlBuildResultBlockList = append(sqlBuildResultBlockList, "`"+fieldName+"` NOT IN ("+placeholder+")")
bindValue = append(bindValue, dataList...)
// like 语句
for fieldName, fieldValue := range o.Like {
if len(fieldValue) == 0 {
sqlBuildResultBlockList = append(sqlBuildResultBlockList, "`"+fieldName+"` LIKE \"%?%\"")
bindValue = append(bindValue, fieldValue)
// NOT LIKE 语句
for fieldName, fieldValue := range o.NotLike {
if len(fieldValue) == 0 {
sqlBuildResultBlockList = append(sqlBuildResultBlockList, "`"+fieldName+"` NOT LIKE \"%?%\"")
bindValue = append(bindValue, fieldValue)
// >=
for fieldName, fieldValue := range o.Start {
sqlBuildResultBlockList = append(sqlBuildResultBlockList, "`"+fieldName+"` >= ?")
bindValue = append(bindValue, fieldValue)
// <
for fieldName, fieldValue := range o.End {
sqlBuildResultBlockList = append(sqlBuildResultBlockList, "`"+fieldName+"` < ?")
bindValue = append(bindValue, fieldValue)
// between
for field, betweenVal := range o.Between {
sqlBuildResultBlockList = append(sqlBuildResultBlockList, "`"+field+"` BETWEEN ? AND ?")
bindValue = append(bindValue, betweenVal[0], betweenVal[1])
// not between
for field, notBetweenVal := range o.NotBetween {
sqlBuildResultBlockList = append(sqlBuildResultBlockList, "`"+field+"` NOT BETWEEN ? AND ?")
bindValue = append(bindValue, notBetweenVal[0], notBetweenVal[1])
if len(bindValue) > 0 {
sqlBuildResult = strings.Join(sqlBuildResultBlockList, " AND ")
// parseInSql 解析in语句需要绑定占位符以及数据
// Author :<白茶清欢>
// Date : 22:07 2024/8/9
func parseInSql(fieldValue any) (string, []any) {
byteData, _ := json.Marshal(fieldValue)
var dataList []any
decoder := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(string(byteData)))
_ = decoder.Decode(&dataList)
// 生成占位符
placeholderList := make([]string, 0)
for i := 0; i < len(dataList); i++ {
placeholderList = append(placeholderList, "?")
return strings.Join(placeholderList, ","), dataList
// WithBetween between 语句
// Author :<白茶清欢>
// Date : 15:52 2024/8/23
func WithBetween(field string, left any, right any) define.SetOption {
return func(o *define.Option) {
if nil == o.Between {
o.Between = map[string][2]any{}
o.Between[field] = [2]any{left, right}
// WithNotBetween not between 语句
// Author :<白茶清欢>
// Date : 15:52 2024/8/23
func WithNotBetween(field string, left any, right any) define.SetOption {
return func(o *define.Option) {
if nil == o.NotBetween {
o.NotBetween = map[string][2]any{}
o.NotBetween[field] = [2]any{left, right}
// WithAnyCondition 设置任意查询条件, 仅 where 子句 in / not in / like / not like / == / !=
// Author :<白茶清欢>
// Date : 14:48 2024/8/23
func WithAnyCondition(column string, operate string, value any) (define.SetOption, error) {
if nil == value {
return nil, errors.New("value is nil")
switch operate {
case consts.WhereOperateEqual:
return WithWhere(map[string]any{column: value}), nil
case consts.WhereOperateNotEqual:
return WithNotEqual(column, value), nil
case consts.WhereOperateIn:
var target []any
if err := serialize.JSON.Transition(value, &target); nil != err {
return nil, err
return WithIn[[]any](column, target), nil
case consts.WhereOperateNotIn:
var target []any
if err := serialize.JSON.Transition(value, &target); nil != err {
return nil, err
return WithNotIn[[]any](column, target), nil
case consts.WhereOperateLike:
return WithLike(column, fmt.Sprintf("%v", value)), nil
case consts.WhereOperateNotLike:
return WithNotLike(column, fmt.Sprintf("%v", value)), nil
return nil, errors.New(operate + " : operate is not support")