1. Please **speak English (English only)**, this is the language everybody of us can speak and write. 2. Please take a moment to **search** that an issue **doesn't already exist**. 3. Please make sure `Golang, GCC` is installed correctly before installing Gohook. 5. Please give all relevant information below for bug reports, incomplete details will be handled as an invalid report. **You MUST delete the content above including this line before posting, otherwise your issue will be invalid.** - Gohook version (or commit ref): - Go version: - Gcc version: - Operating system and bit: - Resolution: - Can you reproduce the bug at [Examples](https://github.com/robotn/gohook/blob/master/examples/main.go): - [ ] Yes (provide example code) - [ ] No - [ ] Not relevant - Provide example code: ```Go ``` - Log gist: ## Description ...